by admin | May 8, 2020 | Articles, Audio Programmes, Hidden Beauty of the Commonplace |
Philip Pegler reads an extract from his first book, Hidden Beauty of the Commonplace which is a volume of reflections on the true meaning of freedom, from nature mystic and writer Clare Cameron. This is an extract from the chapter entitled The Welcome and begins with...
by admin | May 13, 2019 | Hidden Beauty of the Commonplace |
“Let us not ask that trouble may be removed from us, for until we have passed through suffering we shall continue to be troubled. One cannot overcome trouble by evading him, for he will meet us at another bend of the road, at a further crest of the hills, in yet...
by admin | May 13, 2019 | Hidden Beauty of the Commonplace |
The Silence of the Seed When we first discover the treasure to be found in the life of the Spirit we want to tell others about it, especially when they are unhappy, sick or impoverished in some way. And so we lend them books, send them pamphlets, take them to some...
by admin | Apr 29, 2014 | Articles, Hidden Beauty of the Commonplace |
Philip Pegler discusses some of the spiritual and philosophical ideas underpinning his book, ‘Hidden Beauty of the Commonplace’, which is a biography of his friend, Clare Cameron, whom he describes as a ‘poet and mystic of great sensitivity’. There is a profound truth...