The Only Revolution – A Reading from Quiet Courage of the Inner Light by Philip Pegler
Philip Pegler reads an extract from his new book Quiet Courage of the Inner Light. This is an extract from the chapter entitled: The Only Revolution. In this extract, Philip invites us to turn toward the realm of quiet conscious awareness within and notice the capacity it has to hold any and all experience.
The Welcome – An Extract from Hidden Beauty of the Commonplace
Philip Pegler reads an extract from his first book, Hidden Beauty of the Commonplace which is a volume of reflections on the true meaning of freedom, from nature mystic and writer Clare Cameron. This is an extract from the chapter entitled The Welcome and begins with a verse written by Clare.
Living in Beauty Part 2 – A further extract from Quiet Courage of the Inner Light
Philip Pegler reads a further extract from the chapter ‘Living in Beauty’ from his new book ‘Quiet Courage of the Inner Light – Finding faith and fortitude in an age of anxiety’.
Living in Beauty Part 1 – Philip Pegler reads an extract from ‘Quiet Courage of the Inner Light’
Philip Pegler reads an extract from his new book ‘Quiet Courage of the Inner Light – Finding faith and fortitude in an age of anxiety’. This is an extract from the chapter, Living in Beauty.
A Vision of Wholeness – An Extract from Quiet Courage of the Inner Light read by Philip Pelger
Philip reads an extract from the chapter ‘A Vision of Wholeness’, from his new book ‘Quiet Courage of the Inner Light – Finding faith and fortitude in an age of anxiety. In the reading, we are inviting to look closely at our experience of anxiety, dread and terror and notice the inclusive nature of our own awareness of such experiences and to see the wholeness of the life that we are.
Robe of Many Colours – An Extract from Quiet Courage of the Inner Light read by Philip Pegler
Philip reads from the Chapter, Robe of Many Colours and invites us to turn toward that part of our conscious awareness that can observe and meet stress, anxiety and suffering with compassion, kindness and love.
Part 2 – Reflections on Readings from Quiet Courage of the Inner Light
Author Philip Pegler reads the chapter ‘Keys to Freedom’ from his new book, ‘Quiet Courage of the Inner Light – Finding faith and fortitude in an age of anxiety’ and reflects in conversation with Mike Jenkins on the freedom available in the essence of our own consciousness and on the often considerable barriers we meet along the path to our inner light, courage and faith.
Reflections on Readings from Quiet Courage of the Inner Light Part 1
Author Philip Pegler reads from his new book, Quiet Courage of the Inner Light – Finding faith and fortitude in an age of anxiety. Philip reads from the chapter, World Behind Walls and reflects on his experience of caring for patients on a secure hospital ward in the 1970’s and later, in Part 2, on his own experience as a patient.
Part One Interview Series ~ How Do We Meet Evil With Mercy?
Philip Pegler talks to Mike Jenkins about the publication of his book, ‘Meeting Evil with Mercy’ and how his reflections on the ministry Martin Israel have revealed sound guidance on how to overcome the darkness in our world with our own, inner light.
Part Two Interview Series ~ Meeting Evil With Mercy, Beginning Where We Are.
In this audio discussion, Philip talks to Mike Jenkins about the life of Anglican Priest, Martin Israel and explores further the work of shining our own inner light on the pain and suffering we have endured personally.
Part 3 Interview Series ~ Meeting Evil With Mercy
Part 3
Part 4 Interview Series ~ Meeting Evil With Mercy, Born in Original Goodness
Part 4 – Philip talks to Mike Jenkins about how we are inseparable from the world around us and how he sees humanity and inherently good, born in original goodness not original sin.
Part 5 Interview Series ~ Meeting Evil With Mercy, Reading ‘The Pain that Heals’.
In this final part of the Interview, Mike reads an excerpt from the book entitled, ‘The Pain that Heals’.