Quiet Courage of the Inner Light
Finding faith and fortitude in an age of anxiety by Philip Pegler
Published by Christian Alternative – Publication Date: April 2020
What is authentic spirituality – and what noble qualities are needed so that we may stand up for what is truly sacred in today’s anxious, divided and often sceptical world?
As it celebrates the true worth of courage, this book faithfully records some keynotes of the author’s lifelong spiritual quest – and reflects upon the joys, hardship and profound lessons to be learnt on the challenging path to the ground of being.
At the centre of these reflections resides an essential paradox. It is within the anguished darkness of tragedy or disaster that most often the clear light of fortitude is kindled. And it is within the shadows of doubt or desolation that you may stumble upon a hidden doorway to the deepest reality.
It is the dawning of deep understanding concerning our true spiritual identity that paves the way for the discovery of a natural faith, universal in nature and all-embracing in compassion.
Here is a book that nurtures such faith by honouring the essence of life, approaching a transcendent mystery through the immanence of all created things.